


Wednesday, 18 October 2017

How To Eliminate Acne Scars with Lasers and the Benefits

How To Eliminate Acne Scars with Lasers and the Benefits

Acne scars on the face include one skin problem that also disturbs as well as acne. Acne is inflamed and the skin is overgrown by acne for too long will eventually leave acne scars are more difficult to lose. The cause is because the presence of acne on the skin can damage the structure of the skin layer itself. Nowadays the way to remove acne scars is not at all difficult. Because of the many ways that are offered ranging from ways that use natural materials to use laser help.

how to eliminate acne with laserAs for how to remove acne scars faster feels the benefit is to use laser help. This is a powerful way to treat acne scars and give maximum results. Former acne that later imprinted on the skin has a different shape. If seen from the form of acne scars on the skin after acne healed there are several kinds, following his review:

A. Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is a change that occurs in skin color after acne is healed. Such skin discoloration may lead to uneven skin tone on the face. So when looking at the face through the mirror of your face will look striped where the skin color acne scars look more black. Actually this happens as a result of a form of skin protection when acne is inflamed. Almost all people who suffer from acne on the face will experience hyperpigmentation on acne scars.

B. Ice pick scars

Ice pick scars are acne scars that have holes in the face of pockmarked. It's just a hole that is formed on the skin of small size - small as a needle prick. Usually this ice picks scars just up the epidermal layer just so it looks like the size of the pores on a larger face.

C. Boxcar scars

Boxcar scars have a larger hole size than the ice pick scars. Boxcar scars make the skin look uneven and almost the entire surface of the skin looks like that. The cause of the uneven surface of the skin is due to the collagen layer collapse under the skin. Collagen serves to maintain the elasticity of the skin so that the skin looks supple and fresh.

D. Rolling scars

Former acne is then known as rolling scars, where the rolling scars are acne scars that leave the skin surface looks like a wavy. The cause of this rolling scars is the loss of tissue layer of the skin so there is a pull that make the skin to the deeper layers. Rolling scars require a long enough treatment to be able to make the surface of the skin back flat.

E. Keliod

The last of the acne scars is the presence of clumps of tissue that is wide of the size of previous acne. The presence of this keloid still disturb the same as other acne scars.

For acne scars alone it is necessary proper handling to be resolved immediately. However, proper handling also requires a fit by looking at the type of acne scars that are owned. The more severe the acne scars on the skin more difficult and takes a long time to heal.
  • How Laser Works
Laser treatment has a maximum workout to help overcome various skin problems. How it works by using laser treatment is done with the working method as follows:
  1. Vacuum in advance to remove all dirt including blackheads and acne on facial skin.
  2. Laser rays that affect the skin will make the top layer as if injured.
  3. Furthermore, the laser beam will penetrate to deep skin tissue to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin.
  4. Stimulates collagen production to repair damaged skin tissue and also helps to tighten facial skin.
How it works by using this laser beam takes about an hour. It is quite long because the results given for one treatment is also quite maximal.
  • This type of laser treatment
In performing treatment with the help of laser light, there are several types of laser treatments. This laser-based treatment helps you to remove red and black acne scars. As well as laser treatment to improve the uneven skin structure due to acne become flat again. This laser treatment makes you look very beautiful and riveting later. Well, here are the types of laser treatments that need to be known include:

A. Laser fractonal

This first type of laser is called a fractonal laser, which is a non-invasive laser and uses carbon dioxide. Many who have used this type of treatment because of the benefits they offer include:
  1. Overcoming wrinkles on the skin by helping to tighten facial skin.
  2. Disguises scars that occur on the face.
  3. Eliminate skin on warts.
If you have a skin problem as mentioned above this type of treatment is the right choice to overcome it.

B. Erbium Laser

The next type of laser is the erbium lase, this laser has a wavelength of up to 2940 meters. So when about the skin will hurt. The benefits of this erbium laser for skin are:
  1. Helps to regenerate dead skin and stimulate new skin cells.
  2. Collagen is increased due to the race given by this erbium laser.
But in addition to providing benefits to your skin, this erbium laser also has side effects on the skin after treatment. The following are some of the side effects of dry skin, swelling of the skin, hyperpigmentation and feeling of heat on the skin.

Those are two types of laser-based treatments that benefit your skin.
  • Benefits of Laser
In the medical world especially beauty benefits of lasers have proven effective to overcome skin problems like acne and acne scars. Generally using laser help is a safe and painless way. But the price for one treatment can reach one to two million rupiah. The following benefits of lase for skin include:

1. Fight off acne bacteria

Acne-causing bacteria are known by the name Propionibacterium acnes. These bacteria can make the proliferation of acne become faster so that it fills all the skin if not immediately done the right way. Against acne bacteria can be done one of them by using laser help. Laser is effective against acne bacteria so it can help you to overcome the existing acne on the face.

2. Increases skin collagen

Collagen compounds in the skin is useful to maintain skin elasticity and prevent wrinkles on the skin. But along with the increased age of collagen production in the skin becomes reduced. Therefore it takes additional collagen from eating foods that enter into the stomach, such as fruits and vegetables that are rich in collagen. In addition to eating fruits and vegetables how to increase collagen in the skin is to use the help of the laser. Lasers that affect the skin help to increase the production of collagen so that the skin will look young always.

3. Controlling excess oil

The cause of acne is also due to the production of excessive oil glands in the face. Oil glands are useful to keep skin moisture within normal limits. But if the production of oil glands become excessive can lead to the pores on the face becomes clogged causing acne. The safest way is to control the oil on the face. Like doing facial cleansing with the right product, avoid eating foods that can stimulate excess oil production on the face and use laser-assisted treatments. Laser is believed to be useful for controlling excess oil on the face.

4. Facial skin becomes smooth

The benefits of treatment with a fourth laser is to make facial skin smooth. At this present time which woman does not want to have a smooth face. Even to get a smooth face of women competing each other to be able to look beautiful and riveting. This is reasonable because it is the instinct of women to want to look beautiful in various opportunities. But to get a smooth facial skin requires the process and effort by doing the right treatment.

5. Facial skin becomes white

The fifth benefit of laser treatment is to make the skin white and bright. Almost all women agree if you have a white facial skin then the beauty of the face will look perfect. Various types of treatments are performed to get a white facial skin. Includes treatment using this laser. If you are interested to try it please just because the treatment is safe and many have tried to do it.

6. Eliminate acne scars

The ultimate benefit of this laser treatment is to help remove acne scars. According to people who have tried it for treatment once it has been shown results by disguising acne scars in the face pockmarked. This proves to be safe and warranty. On the other hand removing acne scars with lasers will get maximum results if done until as many as eight times the treatment.

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