Many ways are done for acne that nest on the face can be lost naturally or with the help of medication. Start of treatment at a beauty salon or clinic treatments such as facials and a series of face to be free from acne to purchase drugs or acne removal products that we do not know the level of safety for the skin.
Naturally acne will disappear within a few days after the acne appeared, but for those who can not stand or at home with facial acne or pimples are stubborn in the face should you need to try natural ingredients that are readily available in the kitchen you. But keep in mind that the use of natural ingredients have an effect that is relatively long compared to the refined products sold at beauty clinic your subscription, but in terms of health will be relatively secure with your skin because it does not contain chemicals such as mercury, hydroquinone, drugs, etc.
1. Honey
The natural ingredients of the first to get rid of acne is honey. Honey is easily available, almost every corner there is a shop selling honey with pure honey or that has been added with other flavors such as orange, grape etc. Honey is known by a myriad of benefits dimiliknya them is to make skin smooth and healthy. The content of the honey itself there is a natural antibiotic substances and nutrients are very high, so it can be an option to prevent infections that could make the face inflamed pimples.
How to use :
- Simply apply honey as needed evenly on the entire face or only on the facial acne.
- Let stand about 15 minutes or wait until dried honey.
- After a fairly dry, wash your face or parts of acne that has been applied to the honey with warm water.
2. Ice Cube
The second way is to use ice cubes. Ice cubes is very easy to get, just put water in the fridge and wait until freezes and taraa, ice cubes ready to be used to remove stubborn acne on the face you. Ice cubes can shrink the pores on the skin, in addition to the ice cubes can also improve blood circulation in the area around the pimple. For those who have oily skin type, the use of ice cubes can also reduce the oil content in the face because of ice that could shrink the pores of the skin around the face.
How to use :
- Wrap ice cubes to taste by using a clean cloth.
- Paste an ice cube wrapped in a face or a pimpled face and paste it for a few minutes.
- Do it routine until your acne dissapear from your face.
3. Tomato
Fruit or vegetable, huh? What is clear crop of vitamins A and C are very good for the skin and body, whether used as an ingredient for skin tightening and also for the treatment of your face with acne.
How to use :
- Choose tomatoes that really matured ie reddish.
- Cut the tomatoes in thins and paste it on the entire face or focus on any area of facial acne.
- Paste for approximately 10-15 minutes.
- Do it routine until the acne disappears.
4. Toothpaste
In addition to the usefulness of toothpaste can to redden the lips naturally, toothpaste can also be used to treat your acne stubborn, because the toothpaste ingredients are menthol, triclosan and essential oils. The content of baking soda toothpaste can also treat acn.
How to use :
- Clean the area of the face and dry preceded.
- Apply toothpaste taste in facial acne.
- Let stand for about 5 minutes.
- Rinse your face with clean water and dry with a clean towel.
- Use a mask of toothpaste is a maximum of 1 times a day.
5. Banana peel
If you like to eat bananas, from now do not immediately dispose of its banana skin, why? As it turns banana peels can be to treat your acne. Bananas has many benefits, not just fruit, banana peels also have a very strong antioxidant capacity so as to reduce swelling and inflammation and promote the growth of new cells, the antioxidants known as lutein. For that banana peel is very good to get rid of acne.
How to use :
- Peel the bananas and eat the fruit.
- Clean your face with clean water and dry.
- Take the banana skin and then rub in a circle on a pimpled face area or to the entire face.
- Let stand for about 20-30 minutes.
- Rinse with clean water.
Well, some of the above ingredients are natural ingredients that can to get rid of acne on your face. However, if there is a itchy reaction or redness after using some of the materials described above, STOP use immediately.