One reason Minger’s critique likely received much attention, was that unlike other individuals who have attempted to criticize the China Study, rather than making her intention of defending a diet rich in animal foods obvious, Minger attempted to give readers a false impression that if anything she was bias towards a plant-based diet. Minger’s intentions became somewhat apparent when Paleo diet proponent Richard Nikoley posted an e-mail that he received from Minger on his blog.2 The contents of this e-mail made it obvious that Minger had been sending e-mails to proponents of Low-Carb and Paleo diets, suggesting that they cite her blog post as "ammo" to shoot down "vegans" who cite The China Study. The language used by Minger in the e-mail, such as the statement “Of course, they aren't”, in reference to whether animal foods are linked to chronic diseases, suggested the likelihood of confirmation bias in favor of downplaying the harms of animal foods. This raises the question as to whether it was her intention to simply downplay Dr. Campbell’s work, rather than producing an honest review.
As described previously by Plant Positive, and myself, there were a number of serious concerns with Minger’s interpretations of the data from the China Study which further casted doubt on her true intentions. One particular example was Minger's attempt to attribute the association between fat intake, a marker of animal food intake, and an increased risk of breast cancer mortality in the China Study to the consumption of "hormone-injected livestock".3 The fact that the mortality data that Minger examined was from the early to mid-1970s, a time when the use of hormone injections was not exactly widely practiced throughout rural China casts serious doubt on this claim. Furthermore, it is important to consider that the time lag between exposure to a causal agent and when breast cancer becomes life threatening is more than often several decades. For example, the greatest risk of excess death from radiation-related solid cancers, such as breast cancer among the atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was more than half a century after exposure.4 It is therefore likely that most of the dietary related deaths from breast cancer that occurred in the early 1970s would more likely to have been caused by the diets consumed several decades earlier, likely even before hormone injections was used to any meaningful extent in China. This provides further suggestive evidence that Minger was merely trying to downplay the evidence of the harms of animal foods, rather than producing an honest review.
As described previously by Plant Positive, and myself, there were a number of serious concerns with Minger’s interpretations of the data from the China Study which further casted doubt on her true intentions. One particular example was Minger's attempt to attribute the association between fat intake, a marker of animal food intake, and an increased risk of breast cancer mortality in the China Study to the consumption of "hormone-injected livestock".3 The fact that the mortality data that Minger examined was from the early to mid-1970s, a time when the use of hormone injections was not exactly widely practiced throughout rural China casts serious doubt on this claim. Furthermore, it is important to consider that the time lag between exposure to a causal agent and when breast cancer becomes life threatening is more than often several decades. For example, the greatest risk of excess death from radiation-related solid cancers, such as breast cancer among the atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was more than half a century after exposure.4 It is therefore likely that most of the dietary related deaths from breast cancer that occurred in the early 1970s would more likely to have been caused by the diets consumed several decades earlier, likely even before hormone injections was used to any meaningful extent in China. This provides further suggestive evidence that Minger was merely trying to downplay the evidence of the harms of animal foods, rather than producing an honest review.
Given Denise Minger’s misleading blog posts, naturally I was more concerned than interested to see what sort of take home message Minger would be attempting to provide readers of her recently published book, Death By Food Pyramid. I have therefore decided to review a number of the key sections of the book to help readers to decide whether to purchase and incorporate the dietary advice in this book.
The IMPACT of the Food Pyramid
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The original USDA Food Pyramid from 1992 |
Although it may be fair to suggest that the federal dietary guidelines can be considered as a lost opportunity to save additional lives, evidence does not suggest that the Food Pyramid promoted a diet that would have increased the risk of dietary related deaths compared to the cholesterol-rich diet consumed by Americans in earlier decades. For example, numerous studies have found that in a number of nations, including the United States, large reductions in serum cholesterol, largely as the result of displacing the proportion of saturated fat in the diet with other sources of energy can explain a significant portion of the decline in coronary heart disease mortality. These large declines generally occurred in order of the nations that were earlier to embrace the lipid hypothesis and reduce the intake of animal fat. For example, this decline began in the late 1960s in the United States, Finland, Australia and New Zealand, but not until a decade later in the United Kingdom which had been distracted by John Yudkin's sugar hypothesis and much slower to embrace the lipid hypothesis.6 In the former communist nations of Eastern Europe, this decline did not occur until the 1990s, following the abolishment of communist subsidies on meat and animal fats after the collapse of the Soviet Union.6
Although Minger notes this observed decline in mortality in the United States in her book, she suggests that it can more likely be explained by the reduction in smoking prevalence, rather than the displacement of saturated fat with other sources of energy, such as omega-6 polyunsaturated fats and carbohydrate. Minger however failed to provide any data demonstrating what portion of the decline in mortality could be attributed to changes in smoking prevalence and diet/serum lipids. The IMPACT CHD mortality model incorporates among the highest quality data available for risk factors and treatments to help determine how individual risk factors and treatments have contributed to changes in coronary heart disease mortality of a given population. The fact that the prediction of change in coronary heart disease mortality calculated by the IMPACT model has been demonstrated to be largely comparable with the actual change in mortality in nations throughout North America, Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western Europe, South-East Asia, Africa, Australasia and the Middle East provides confidence in the validity of this model.7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
It should be noted that the use of the IMPACT model has made it clear that in those nations which experienced the most dramatic declines in heart disease mortality in the world, such as Finland and the former communist nations of Eastern Europe, large dietary induced declines in serum cholesterol has typically explained a very significant portion of the decline.8 9 10 22 23 The same can be said for the increases in serum cholesterol as the result of an increase in intake of cholesterol and saturated fat, and the surge in heart disease mortality among a number of populations, such as Beijing.17 19 These findings are also supported by earlier studies.6 For example, in 1989 Epstein examined the changes in coronary heart disease mortality in 27 countries during the previous 10 to 25 years, noting that:24
In almost all of the countries with major falls or rises in CHD mortality, there are, respectively, corresponding decreases or increases in animal fat consumption...
Epstein also noted that during this period the prevalence of smoking among women remained largely unchanged or increased in most nations, and that therefore changes in smoking prevalence was unable to explain the large differences in the rate of decline between countries and sexes.24
The IMPACT model found that in the United States between the years of 1980 and 2000, a time at which coronary heart disease mortality was reduced by about half, the decline in serum cholesterol, largely due to changes in diet, could explain approximately 24% of this reduction, compared to only about 12% for the decline in smoking prevalence (Fig. 1).7 22 Considering that coronary heart disease has been the leading cause of death in the United States, as well as many other nations for the best part of a century, if anything, a more appropriate title for Minger's book would be "Saved By Food Pyramid".25
Worst Case Scenario for the McGovern Report: Denise Minger
In the chapter Amber Waves of Shame, Denise Minger attempts to explain about the implementation of the Dietary Goals for the United States of 1977, also known as McGovern Report. This report has been considered by many as laying a cornerstone for the forthcoming USDA guidelines. In this chapter, Minger also describes how the egg, meat, milk, salt and sugar industries attempted to hijack the report due to the nature of the recommendations to limit these foods, referencing a video on this topic by Dr. Michael Greger which can be viewed below. It comes as no surprise that Minger cited this video but chose to neglect many of the hundreds of studies cited throughout Dr. Greger's series of videos that cast significant doubt on her own dietary recommendations.