You must have seen the vinegar or use vinegar as a cooking ingredient. Did you know that the type of vinegar is able to eliminate the stubborn pimples on the face. Apple cider vinegar has been widely used by women to clean the face of the bacteria trigger acne.
It is said that if the use of apple cider vinegar, the effect is much better than using tea tree oil. In addition to eliminating acne, the function of apple cider vinegar can also be used to cure deadly diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, high cholesterol, eliminate the hiccups, and reduce the symptoms of flu.
Maybe there are some people still wonder about the origins of apple cider vinegar is said to cure many deadly diseases. If you are curious, following a review of the history of cider vinegar.
- History of Apple Vinegar
Various historical sources already provide information that apple cider vinegar is used millennia ago to media treatment cure various diseases. In the year 400 BC where balsamic vinegar is getting to be a modern medicine under the supervision of the father of modern medicine, Hipprocates. At that time, the use of apple cider vinegar should be combined with honey.
Apple cider vinegar is also used by the Romans and the samurai of Japan to the herb increases the vitality and strength. The development of the function of apple vinegar continues to grow until the time of World War I in which the soldiers wore apple vinegar as an antiseptic to clean the wound.
For beginners who still do not quite understand how the methods of the use of apple cider vinegar to get rid of acne. The method of use of apple cider vinegar is worth noting because the content results in the vinegar is not always safe for everyone.
- Methods of Use Vinegar On Face
1. Methods From Outside (External)
The first method is to apply vinegar in removing facial blemishes or acne is menkombinasikan vinegar with water. Comparison premises vinegar water mixture of 1: 3 in which the first step can be done with cotton insert in a container that had been prepared.
After dipped apply on the face surface of the repeated multiple times. If necessary, add a moisturizer after the acne dries after being exposed to vinegar.
2. Internal Method
How to remove acne using vinegar can be done from the inside where the toxins and impurities that are in the blood stream to be eliminated. Internal methods can be carried out using a mixture of two tablespoons of vinegar with one cup of water consumed regularly one glass per day.
The method of the impact or effect of a longer because it can be wrapped in the form of a natural antiseptic, vitamins, and minerals.
In addition to providing a good effect on the process of removing acne, also plays a role in healthy vinegar are some parts that may still not widely known. Application of vinegar to the world of beauty is still reaping the pros and cons because the content in vinegar still requires further exploration.
Consuming vinegar will routinely provide enough benefits to the skin and inside the body. If you are curious what are the benefits of consuming vinegar water regularly, following his review.
- Benefits of consuming Vinegar Routinely
1. Gives Skin Elasticity
Many women regularly consume apple cider vinegar to get more attractive skin elasticity and enhance your appearance. Indeed, the benefits of apple cider vinegar for acne is one of them able to resist exposure to free radicals, so that the elasticity of the skin but awake.
Skin elasticity is synonymous with ageless, so it does not have to receive treatment at exorbitant prices, please take advantage of cider vinegar will keep your skin elastic and firm.
2. Give the clean impression
Providing nutrition coupled with protection from outside could give kesain clean face. Apple cider vinegar is able to give the net effect on the skin and performed regularly during self-cleaning.
How to take advantage of apple vinegar as a cleaning easy enough first mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar along one cangir water. Pour slowly into the skin and then wipe secar fast. Later a mixture of vinegar and water will be directly absorbed by the skin in quick time.
3. Eliminating-Spot Black Spot
The emergence of black spots into the signs of skin aging are very disturbing appearance. Age spots usually appear at the age of 30 years, then of the age of women over 30 years should receive extra care.
Apple cider vinegar can be an easy solution disguise aging spots on the skin because there are sulfur content. How to use apple cider vinegar as an impostor black spots is easy enough to apply apple cider vinegar on the stain or dark spots before bedtime.