Skin is an important part that may be first seen someone from you. The skin becomes the biggest part that exists in the human body besides hair, and meat. Body skin has a very vital role such as protecting the body from germs, and converting sunlight into vitamin D.
Young people generally want to get beautiful skin like white, clean and elastic. But this is different when they are getting older, they will prefer to keep their skin to not become wrinkles.
Prevention phase is very important in aging skin. The sooner you do it, the better. You can see the signs when you feel you do not like your skin.
The first thing we can do is delay the aging of the skin as we age. The best way to do this is to keep the body cells from oxidation through eating foods that contain many antioxidants such as vegetables and fruits and avoid smoking.
You can slow the aging of the skin from the outside and from within to keep skin moisture awake. Some experts advise to consume foods that contain omega 3 fats and monounsaturated fats, drink lots of water, and perform skin care to the experts.
Young people generally want to get beautiful skin like white, clean and elastic. But this is different when they are getting older, they will prefer to keep their skin to not become wrinkles.
Then the question arises, when is the right time to start taking care of the skin?Dermatologists believe that avoiding smoking and excessive sunlight is a good investment for the skin in the future.
Prevention phase is very important in aging skin. The sooner you do it, the better. You can see the signs when you feel you do not like your skin.
The first thing we can do is delay the aging of the skin as we age. The best way to do this is to keep the body cells from oxidation through eating foods that contain many antioxidants such as vegetables and fruits and avoid smoking.
You can slow the aging of the skin from the outside and from within to keep skin moisture awake. Some experts advise to consume foods that contain omega 3 fats and monounsaturated fats, drink lots of water, and perform skin care to the experts.
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AntioxidantsAntioxidants play a very important role in skin health. Dermatologists say Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E can play a role in warding off free radicals and sun damage to skin damage.
In a study of men and women in the Netherlands revealed the importance of Vitamin A to skin conditions. The safest way to get Vitamin A is to eat foods that contain lots of carotenoids such as carrots than you consume Vitamin A in tablet form.
Some foods containing Vitamin A sources other than carrots are potatoes, squash, sweet potatoes, mangoes, spinach, cantaloupe, kale and tomatoes.
Vitamin C can be obtained from foods like Vitamin A. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant in the skin can be found in fruits and vegetables that you often consume daily.
In fruit, Vitamin C is found in oranges, papaya, strawberries, kiwi, melon, mango. While vegetables such as kale, peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, and tomatoes are vegetable jeans that contain lots of Vitamin C.
Vitamin E is often used as an ingredient in beauty products that are widely circulated. Vitamin E serves as a moisturizer in the skin and can smooth the skin. Vitamin E can be found in vegetable oils, nuts, olives, spinach and seeds. Most people prefer to get Vitamin E through supplements instead of consuming the above foods.
Choose good fatsThere are two types of fats present in foods that are bad fats and good fats. Good fats like Omega-3 have an important role in skin health especially keep skin from direct sunlight harm.
Omega-3 fats are found in marine fish such as Salmon. In addition to preventing skin aging, Omega-3 is also known to be very good for menutrisi brain.
In addition to fish, Omega-3 sources can be found in eggs containing Omega-3 and cooking oil. Other good fats are monounsaturated fats that work to keep skin pH balance. Monounsaturated fats can be found in foods such as olive oil, almond oil, pecan oil, and avocado fruits.
Eat whole healthy foodsSome studies have proven that a diet with healthy foods in addition to protect against heart disease and cancer was also good for skin health. You do not need to choose food, the important thing is healthy food then do not hesitate to eat it. The more you eat the different types of healthy foods, the more will be for you.
This is supported by various studies such as Monash University. They found that a diet with much healthier foods such as containing vegetables, fruits, yogurt, monounsaturated fatty oils had much less skin wrinkles than those who diet with milk, red meat, butter, potatoes and sugar.